KoKoDo JuJutsu is a traditional Japanese Budo founded by Soke Irie Yasuhiro that specializes in joint locks, throws, and pressure points for self-defense. It is a style that emphasizes the use of Aiki principles, which involve adapting to the attacker’s power by using their own energy against them, rather than trying to counter it. This approach allows practitioners to use their opponent’s strength against them, making it a highly effective and efficient form of self-defense.
KoKoDo JuJutsu is a private members group that offers classes in Vancouver, and is one of the most established academies in the area. The style is known for its emphasis on traditional techniques and principles, as well as its focus on personal development and self-improvement.
Some of the key concepts and principles of KoKoDo JuJutsu include:
Kihon Waza: basic techniques that are used as a foundation for more advanced techniques
Aiki no jutsu: the principle or skill of adapting to the attacker’s power by using angles and leverage to use the Kakari's energy or focus against them.
Kuzushi and Fujiru: Off balance and neutralization concepts and principles
Joint locks and throws: techniques that use leverage and timing to immobilize or throw an opponent
Atemi Waza : Grips, holds and striking techniques that use pressure on specific points or areas of the body to cause pain or discomfort.
Shiatsu Therapy: a style of Japanese Acupressure used to rid the body of fatigue and stress.
KoKoDo JuJutsu is a private members group that offers classes in Vancouver, and is one of the most established academies in the area. The style is known for its emphasis on traditional techniques and principles, as well as its focus on personal development and self-improvement.
Some of the key concepts and principles of KoKoDo JuJutsu include:
Kihon Waza: basic techniques that are used as a foundation for more advanced techniques
Aiki no jutsu: the principle or skill of adapting to the attacker’s power by using angles and leverage to use the Kakari's energy or focus against them.
Kuzushi and Fujiru: Off balance and neutralization concepts and principles
Joint locks and throws: techniques that use leverage and timing to immobilize or throw an opponent
Atemi Waza : Grips, holds and striking techniques that use pressure on specific points or areas of the body to cause pain or discomfort.
Shiatsu Therapy: a style of Japanese Acupressure used to rid the body of fatigue and stress.
The art of Yielding
Overall, KoKoDo JuJutsu is very special and unique form martial arts that emphasizes self-defense, personal development, and traditional techniques.
This style is from Japan with direct roots in Hakkoryu JuJutsu and Daitoryu JuJutsu however In KoKoDo a student is taught from the very first class that the goal every single waza is to neutralize the attacker’s power with the use of leverage, angles, frames and pulleys.
We call this fujiru and kuzushi and waza demonstrates a movement and shows how to accomplish this.
This is at the very core of everything that the founder of KoKoDo JuJutsu teaches by which a student learns natural and logical ways to neutralize an attackers power. Soke Irie the founder and headmaster of our art often tells his students that this is the most important point in both in KoKoDo Jujutsu and Aiki. If you are interested in learning more about this unique and wonderful art or wish to join as a student please let us know.
KoKoDo JuJutsu Sadohana-Kai lineage is:
Sokaku Takeda - Daitoryu JuJutsu Soke
Ryuho Okuyama - Hakkoryu JuJutsu Soke
Yasuhiro Irie - KoKoDo JuJutsu Soke
Michael Seamark - KoKoDo JuJutsu Sadohana Kai Hanshi
This style is from Japan with direct roots in Hakkoryu JuJutsu and Daitoryu JuJutsu however In KoKoDo a student is taught from the very first class that the goal every single waza is to neutralize the attacker’s power with the use of leverage, angles, frames and pulleys.
We call this fujiru and kuzushi and waza demonstrates a movement and shows how to accomplish this.
This is at the very core of everything that the founder of KoKoDo JuJutsu teaches by which a student learns natural and logical ways to neutralize an attackers power. Soke Irie the founder and headmaster of our art often tells his students that this is the most important point in both in KoKoDo Jujutsu and Aiki. If you are interested in learning more about this unique and wonderful art or wish to join as a student please let us know.
KoKoDo JuJutsu Sadohana-Kai lineage is:
Sokaku Takeda - Daitoryu JuJutsu Soke
Ryuho Okuyama - Hakkoryu JuJutsu Soke
Yasuhiro Irie - KoKoDo JuJutsu Soke
Michael Seamark - KoKoDo JuJutsu Sadohana Kai Hanshi
Hombu JikimonWe are the direct link to So Hombu in Japan for all Dojo, and groups in Canada, USA, Mexico, South America and NZ
The Vancouver Dojo Vancouver Canada is the home and HQ of KoKoDo JuJutsu Sadohana Kai. We are a brick and mortar dojo along with a online academy so we can help you no matter where you are located
All LevelsIf your looking for KoKoDo instruction in our area there is now better place and we accept all levels from White to Black and beyond