KoKoDo JuJutsu is a traditional Budo that specializes in joint locks, throws and pressure points for self-defense. This style of Budo is called “JuJutsu” in ancient Japan. In KoKoDo a student is taught how to neutralize the attacker’s power from the very first moment in each technique to the very end. Each waza demonstrates a movement and shows how to accomplish this.
This is at the very core of everything that the founder of KoKoDo JuJutsu teaches by which a student learns natural and logical ways to neutralize an attackers power. Soke Irie (入江安博) who is the highest authourity in KoKoDo often tells his students that this is the most important point in both : KoKoDo Jujutsu and Aiki. If you are interested in learning more about this unique and wonderful art or wish to join as a student please contact us. |
There some standup skill taught in BJJ like take downs and throws with standing clinch work however 90% of our focus is learning how to survive once on the ground. Our school focuses on the self-defense and therapeutic exercise aspects of BJJ and it's perfect for a person wishing to improve their quality of lifestyle. In BJJ you will work on your strength, agility, mobility relaxation, breathing, mobility, endurance, conditioning and self-protection. Many enjoy our program for the safe and supportive atmosphere and healthy focus on technique, drilling and controlled and supervised live rolling. Our School is the Official Curucuruland BJJ School Representative for Vancouver under Professor Rodrigo Pagani. We are not a sport school.
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